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Nan Nan (n) /næn næn/



Nan Nan is an onomaoeic word used to describe a soft, low and indistinct sound or voice. It is often associated with someone speaking in a hesitant or uncertain manner.


Nan Nan can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to the soft and unclear sound or voice. As a verb, it describes the action of speaking in a hesitant or uncertain manner.

Example Sentences:

1. She spoke in a nan nan voice, making it difficult for me to understand what she was saying.


2. The child was nan nanning to himself while playing with his toys.


3. He always speaks in a nan nan tone when he's nervous.


4. The old man was sitting on the porch, nan nanning prayers under his breath.


5. She could hear her parents having an argument in the next room, their voices growing louder and louder until they were just nan nans.



1. Mumble - to speak in an indistinct or low voice

2. Murmur - to speak quietly and softly

3. Whisper - to speak in a hushed or secretive manner

4. Stammer - to speak with pauses and repetitions due to nervousness or speech impediment

5. Hesitate - to pause or falter in speech due to uncertainty or doubt

Editor's Summary:

Nan Nan is a versatile word that can be used to describe both the sound and action of speaking in a soft and indistinct manner. It is often associated with hesitation, uncertainty, and nervousness. As an onomaoeic word, it is easy to remember and use in daily conversations. Its synonyms can be used interchangeably depending on the context, but they all convey a similar meaning of speaking softly or hesitantly.


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