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How to say "呼吁用英语怎么说" in English


Pronunciation: hū yù yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō

Usage: This phrase is used when asking for the English translation or equivalent of a word or sentence.

Example Sentences:

1. 我需要知道这个词怎么说,呼吁用英语怎么说?(Wǒ xūyào zhīdào zhège cí zěnme shuō, hūyù yòng yīngyǔ zěnme shuō?)

I need to know how to say this word, how do you say it in English?

2. 他不懂中文,所以我只能呼吁用英语怎么说。(Tā bù dǒng zhōngwén, suǒyǐ wǒ zhǐ néng hūyù yòng yīngyǔ zěnme shuō.)

He doesn't understand Chinese, so I can only ask for the English translation.

3. 这个句子的意思很难理解,可以请你呼吁用英语怎么说吗?(Zhège jùzì de yìsi hěn nán lǐjiě, kěyǐ qǐng nǐ hūyù yòng yīngyǔ zěnme shuō ma?)

The meaning of this sentence is difficult to understand, can you please tell me how to say it in English?

4. 我想写一篇英文作文,但是我不知道“呼吁用英语怎么说”的意思。(Wǒ xiǎng xiě yī piān yīngwén zuòwén, dànshì wǒ bù zhīdào "hūyù yòng yīngyǔ zěnme shuō" de yìsi.)

I want to write an English essay, but I don't know the meaning of "呼吁用英语怎么说".

5. 请你告诉我,“呼吁用英语怎么说”这个词的同义词。(Qǐng nǐ gàosù wǒ, "hūyù yòng yīngyǔ zěnme shuō" zhège cí de tóngyìcí.)

Can you tell me the synonym of the word "呼吁用英语怎么说"?

Synonym: 请求 (qǐngqiú) - request, ask for


As a dictionary translation editor, it is important to be able to provide the English translation or equivalent of a word or sentence when requested. The phrase "呼吁用英语怎么说" is commonly used in Chinese when asking for this information. It is important to remember that pronunciation and tone can vary depending on the region and accent of the speaker. Additionally, it is helpful to provide synonyms for the word or phrase in question in case it is not easily understood by the person requesting the translation. As an editor, always strive for accuracy and clarity in providing translations.


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