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向导则说: 这是凤凰仙子发出的 ldquo 哧哧 rdquo 的笑声。的英文翻译

Guides say: This is the sound of laughter "chichi" made by the Phoenix Fairy.

向导则说: 这是凤凰仙子发出的 ldquo 哧哧 rdquo 的笑声。的英文翻译


Pronunciation: /tʃiː tʃiː/


"Chichi" is an onomaoeic word that imitates the sound of laughter. It can be used as a noun or a verb.


1. The children burst into chichi when they saw the clown's funny tricks. (孩子们看到小丑滑稽的表演后,哈哈大笑。)

2. The comedian's jokes always make the audience go chichi. (这位喜剧演员的笑话总能让观众捧腹大笑。)

3. She couldn't help but let out a chichi when her friend told her a hilarious story. (她听朋友讲一个超级搞笑的故事,忍不住就笑出了声。)

4. The old man chuckled with a chichi, reminiscing about his youth. (老人咯咯地笑着,回忆起自己的青年时代。)

5. The sound of chichi echoed through the forest, scaring away all the animals. (哧哧的声音在森林里回荡,把所有动物都吓跑了。)


1. Giggle: to laugh in a silly or uncontrolled way, often with short, repeated gasps or bursts of sound.

Example: The girls couldn't s giggling during class.

2. Chuckle: to laugh quietly or inwardly, often in a satisfied or amused way.

Example: The father chuckled as he watched his son play with his toys.

3. Snicker: to laugh in a covert or partly suppressed manner, often expressing disrespect or scorn.

Example: The bully snickered at the new kid's outfit.

4. Guffaw: to laugh loudly and boisterously, often in an unrestrained manner.

Example: The comedian's joke made the whole audience guffaw.

5. Cackle: to laugh in a harsh, shrill manner, often with a series of short, sharp sounds.

Example: The witch cackled as she stirred her cauldron.


"Chichi" is a versatile word that can be used to describe different types of laughter. It is commonly used in informal settings and can be replaced by other synonyms depending on the context. Remember to use it sparingly and appropriately to avoid sounding repetitive.


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