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How to Say in English



(haʊ tu seɪ ɪn ˈɪŋglɪʃ)


“How to Say in English”是一个常用的短语,指的是要求或者询问某个词语、短语或句子在英语中的正确表达方式。通常在学习英语的过程中,我们会遇到一些不知道如何表达的内容,这时就可以使用“How to Say in English”来寻求帮助。

例句1:如果你想要学习更多关于英语口语的表达方式,可以在网上搜索“How to Say in English”来获取帮助。

Example 1: If you want to learn more about spoken English expressions, you can search for "How to Say in English" online for assistance.


Example 2: I don't know how to say this word, can you tell me?

例句3:当我遇到一个我不认识的单词时,我会查字典或者问朋友“How to Say in English”。

Example 3: When I come across a word I don't know, I will either look it up in the dictionary or ask a friend "How to Say in English".

例句4:每次我想要用英语表达自己的想法时,都会先搜索“How to Say in English”,以确保我的表达准确无误。

Example 4: Every time I want to express my thoughts in English, I will first search for "How to Say in English" to ensure my expression is accurate.

例句5:如果你不确定自己说的英语是否正确,可以向老师或者同学询问“How to Say in English”。

Example 5: If you are unsure if your spoken English is correct, you can ask your teacher or classmates "How to Say in English".


1. How do you say (in English)? - 与“How to Say in English”意思相同,也是询问某个词语、短语或句子在英语中的正确表达方式。

Example: How do you say "好吃" (in English)?

2. What's the word for (in English)? - 与“How to Say in English”意思相同,也是询问某个词语在英文中的对应单词。

Example: What's the word for "美味" (in English)?

3. Can you give me the English equivalent? - 与“How to Say in English”意思相同,也是询问某个词语、短语或句子在英文中的对应表达方式。

Example: Can you give me the English equivalent of "好玩"?

4. How would you say that (in English)? - 与“How to Say in English”意思相同,也是询问某个词语、短语或句子在英文中的正确表达方式。

Example: How would you say that "有趣" (in English)?


总的来说,“How to Say in English”是一个非常有用的短语,可以帮助我们在学习英语的过程中更加准确地表达自己的想法。它可以用于询问某个词语、短语或句子在英文中的正确表达方式,也可以用来确认自己所说的英语是否正确。同时,它也可以与其他同义词一起使用,“How do you say (in English)?”、“What's the word for (in English)?”等。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要掌握这些常用的表达方式,并且能够准确地解释其意思和用法,以帮助读者更好地学习和使用英语。


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