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Dual degree


[ˈduːəl dɪˈɡriː]

Noun: A type of academic program in which a student can earn two degrees from the same or different institutions.

Usage: Dual degrees are becoming increasingly popular as they allow students to gain a broader range of knowledge and skills in multiple fields.

Example 1: John is pursuing a dual degree in business and engineering, which will give him an advantage in the job market.


Example 2: The university offers a dual degree program that combines biology and environmental science.


Example 3: Maria completed her dual degree in law and international relations, allowing her to work in both fields.


Example 4: The dual degree option allows students to save time and money by completing two degrees simultaneously.


Example 5: After completing her dual degree, Sarah was able to pursue a career that combined her interests in psychology and marketing.


Synonyms: Double degree, joint degree, combined degree


Usage: These terms can be used interchangeably to refer to a program that allows students to earn two degrees.


Editor's summary: Dual degrees offer students the opportunity to gain a broader range of knowledge and skills by earning two degrees simultaneously. They are becoming increasingly popular as they provide an advantage in the job market and allow students to save time and money. Synonyms such as double degree, joint degree, and combined degree can be used interchangeably when referring to this type of program.


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