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一:Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge

二:[næn'dʒɪŋ 'jæŋtsi: 'rɪvə brɪdʒ]




1. The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is a landmark in the city of Nanjing. 南京长江大桥是南京市的标志性建筑。

2. The construction of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge started in 1960 and was completed in 1968. 南京长江大桥的建造始于1960年,于1968年完工。

3. The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is a double-decked bridge, with the upper deck for vehicles and the lower deck for trains. 南京长江大桥是一座双层桥梁,上层为车辆通行,下层为火车通行。

4. The total length of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is 6,772 meters, making it one of the longest bridges in China. 南京长江大桥全长6772米,是最长的桥梁之一。

5. Many tourists come to Nanjing just to see the magnificent Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge. 许多游客专程来南京就是为了看壮观的南京长江大桥。


1. Nanjing Changjiang Bridge: another name for Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge.

2. Yangtze River Bridge: refers to any bridge that crosses the Yangtze River, but usually used to refer to Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge.

3. Nanjing Great Bridge: another name for Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge.

4. Overpass: a bridge that allows one road or railway line to cross over another.

5. Viaduct: a long bridge with a series of arches or spans supporting it.


南京长江桥是一座跨越长江的著名大型桥梁,也是南京市的标志性建筑。它建于1960年,于1968年完工,全长6772米,是最长的桥梁之一。它采用双层结构,上层为车辆通行,下层为火车通行。除了常用的Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge外,它还有其他同义词如Nanjing Changjiang Bridge和Nanjing Great Bridge。此外,overpass和viaduct也可以用来指代类似的桥梁。南京长江桥不仅是一座交通枢纽,更是一道城市风景线,吸引着众多游客前来观赏。


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