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1. 半成品用英语怎么说的意思

The meaning of how to say "半成品" in English is:

In the process of making something, it refers to a product that is not yet complete or perfect, but still needs some finishing touches or further processing.


2. 怎么读(音标)

Pinyin: bàn chéng pǐn

IPA: /bɑːn tʃɛŋ pɪn/

3. 用法


4. 例句1-5句且中英对照

1) 这个蛋糕是半成品,还需要加上最后的装饰才能出售。

This cake is a semi-finished product, it still needs the final decoration before it can be sold.

2) 工厂每天生产大量的半成品,然后再运送到其他工厂进行加工。

The factory produces a large number of semi-finished products every day and then transports them to other factories for further processing.

3) 这件衣服是半成品,需要缝纫工人把它做完整才能出售。

This piece of clothing is a semi-finished product, it needs to be completed by a seamstress before it can be sold.

4) 他们将木材加工成半成品,然后运送到其他工厂进行最后的加工。

They process the wood into semi-finished products and then transport them to other factories for final processing.

5) 这个项目还处于半成品阶段,我们需要更多时间来完善它。

This project is still in the semi-finished stage, we need more time to perfect it.

5. 同义词及用法

- 半制成品 (bàn zhì chéng pǐn): 同样指在生产过程中还未完全完成的产品,但更强调产品已经经过一定程度的加工或改进。

- 半成熟 (bàn chéng shú): 指食物或水果等未完全熟透,但已经可以食用的状态。

- 半成形 (bàn chéng xíng): 指产品在生产过程中已经具备一定形态,但还需要进一步加工才能完成。

6. 编辑总结

通过以上内容,我们可以了解到"半成品"是指在生产过程中尚未完全完成的产品,在英语中可以表达为semi-finished product。除此之外,我们还介绍了几个与"半成品"相关的词汇,并给出了例句来帮助读者更好地理解和运用这些词汇。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,除了提供准确的释义,还需要注意语言的简洁明了,让读者能够轻松理解和运用所学知识。同时,也要注重SEO标准,让文章内容更容易被搜索引擎收录,为读者提供更好的阅读体验。


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