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hold 住的意思是什么?

1. hold 住的意思是或保持住某物或某人,使其不动或不变化。

2. hold 住的读音为[həʊld], 发音为[hohld]。

3. hold 住的用例:

- The police officer held the suspect down until backup arrived.


- She tried to hold back her tears, but they still streamed down her face.


- He held onto his anger for years, never forgiving his ex-wife.


- The pilot had to hold the plane in a holding pattern due to bad weather.


- Can you hold this ladder steady while I climb up?


4. hold 住的组词:

- hold on (等待、坚持)

- get ahold of (、掌握)

- behold (看见、注视)

- withhold (保留、拒绝给予)

- stronghold (要塞、根据地)

5. hold 住的中英文对照:

中文:hold 住

英文:hold down, hold back, hold onto, hold in, hold steady



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