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The meaning of "出现用英语怎么说" is "how to say in English".


Pronunciation: chū xiàn yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō



"出现用英语怎么说" is a phrase commonly used when someone wants to know how to express something in English. It is often used in language learning or translation contexts.


1. 我不知道这个词在英语里该怎么说,你能帮我吗?

I don't know how to say this word in English, can you help me?

2. 学习一门新语言,就是学习如何用那种语言来表达自己。

Learning a new language is learning how to express oneself in that language.

3. 这个单词在字典里有没有音标?我想知道它的正确发音。

Does this word have a pronunciation guide in the dictionary? I want to know its correct pronunciation.

4. 在进行口语交流时,有时候会遇到想要表达的东西找不到合适的词汇,这时就需要出现用英语怎么说了。

During oral communication, there are times when we can't find the right words to express what we want, and that's when we need "how to say in English".

5. 他是一个很好的翻译人员,总能准确地把中文翻译成出现用英语怎么说。

He is a great translator who can always accurately translate Chinese into "how to say in English".


- 如何用英语表达 (how to express in English)

- 用英语怎么说 (how to say in English)

- 英文怎么说 (how to say in English)

These synonyms can be used interchangeably with "出现用英语怎么说" in most cases.


"出现用英语怎么说" is a useful phrase that helps people express themselves in English, especially when they are learning the language. It is also commonly used by translators and language professionals. Remember to use it with appropriate context and tone.


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