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The meaning of "凄冷用英语怎么说" in English is "how to say desolate in English".


Pronunciation: /dɪˈzəʊlət/



"Desolate" is an adjective used to describe a place or situation that is empty, lonely, and without any signs of life. It can also be used to describe a feeling of sadness and hopelessness.


1. The abandoned house on the hill looked desolate in the moonlight. (在月光下,小山上的废弃房子显得凄冷。)

2. After the war, the village was left desolate and many people moved away. (战争结束后,村子变得凄冷,很多人都搬走了。)

3. The old man's eyes were filled with a desolate sadness as he stared at the ruins of his home. (老人眼里充满了凄冷的悲伤,他盯着家园的废墟。)

4. The sound of the wind howling through the empty streets added to the desolate atmosphere of the city. (风呼啸着穿过空荡荡的街道,给城市增添了凄冷的氛围。)

5. She felt desolate and alone as she walked through the deserted park at night. (夜晚她走过空无一人的公园,感到凄冷和孤独。)


1. Lonely - used to describe a feeling of being alone and without companionship.

2. Barren - used to describe a place that is empty, lifeless, and lacking in resources.

3. Bleak - used to describe a situation or place that is cold, unwelcoming, and without any hope or comfort.

4. Despondent - used to describe a feeling of extreme sadness and hopelessness.

5. Dreary - used to describe a place or situation that is dull, gloomy, and depressing.


"Desolate" is a powerful word that conveys a sense of emptiness, loneliness, and despair. It can be used to describe physical places as well as emotions. Other similar words such as "lonely", "barren", "bleak", "despondent", and "dreary" can also be used to convey similar meanings but may have slightly different nuances. When using this word, it is important to consider the context and tone in order to accurately portray the intended meaning.


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