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The meaning of how to say something in English.


/hau tu seɪ ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɪn ˈɪŋglɪʃ/



This phrase is used when someone wants to know the English translation or equivalent of a word, phrase, or sentence.


1. Can you tell me how to say "thank you" in English? (你能告诉我如何用英语说“谢谢”吗?)

2. I'm not sure how to say this in English. (我不确定这个用英语怎么说。)

3. How do you say "I love you" in English? (你怎么用英语说“我爱你”?)

4. Could you please show me how to say this phrase in English? (你能给我示范一下这个短语的英文发音吗?)

5. She asked the teacher how to say the word correctly in English. (她问老师如何正确用英语说这个单词。)


- How do you express this in English?

- What's the English equivalent for this?

- Can you translate this into English?

These phrases can also be used interchangeably with "how to say something in English."


In summary, "how to say something in English" is a phrase used when someone wants to know the translation or equivalent of a word, phrase, or sentence into English. It can be used in various situations such as when learning a new language, asking for help with pronunciation, or seeking clarification on a specific phrase. There are also several synonyms that can be used in place of this phrase.


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