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1. Word: Resilience

Pronunciation: /rɪˈzɪlɪəns/

Definition: the ability to recover quickly from difficulties or challenges



- He showed great resilience in overcoming his illness and returning to work.

- The team's resilience was tested when their star player got injured, but they managed to win the game.

Synonyms: toughness, durability, strength, flexibility

2. Word: Inquisitive

Pronunciation: /ɪnˈkwɪzətɪv/

Definition: curious or inquiring


- Children are naturally inquisitive and always asking questions.

- The journalist's inquisitive nature led her to uncover the truth behind the scandal.

Synonyms: curious, nosy, probing

3. Word: Pristine

Pronunciation: /ˈprɪstiːn/

Definition: in its original condition; unspoiled


- The beach was pristine with its white sand and crystal clear water.

- The antique car was restored to its pristine state by the collector.

Synonyms: immaculate, untouched, perfect

4. Word: Serendipity

Pronunciation: /ˌsɛrənˈdɪpəti/

Definition: the occurrence of fortunate events by chance or luck


- It was pure serendipity that I found my lost necklace while cleaning out my closet.

- Their meeting at a coffee shop turned out to be serendipitous as they discovered they had mutual friends.

Synonyms: luck, chance, coincidence

5. Word: Ambivalent


Definition: having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone


- She felt ambivalent about accepting the job offer as it meant moving away from her family.

- The artist's work received ambivalent reviews, with some praising it and others criticizing it.

Synonyms: conflicting, uncertain, undecided


1. Resilience: toughness, durability, strength

2. Inquisitive: curious, nosy, probing

3. Pristine: immaculate, untouched, perfect

4. Serendipity: luck, chance, coincidence

5. Ambivalent: conflicting, uncertain, undecided




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