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Citizenship (ˈsɪtɪzənʃɪp)

Noun. The awareness and responsibility of being a member of a community or country, with rights and duties towards others and the society as a whole.


用法: 公民意识是指作为社区或的一员,对他人和整个社会负有权利和责任的意识和责任感。

例句1: As citizens, we have the responsibility to vote in elections and participate in community service projects to improve our society. (作为公民,我们有责任在中投票,并参与社区服务项目来改善我们的社会。)

例句2: It is important for parents to instill citizenship values in their children from a young age. (父母从小就灌输公民意识价值观对孩子非常重要。)

例句3: The government is promoting citizenship education in schools to raise awareness among young people. (正在推广学校的公民教育,以提高年轻人的意识。)

例句4: Good citizenship requires respecting the laws of the country and treating others with kindness and respect. (良好的公民意识要求尊重的法律,并以友善和尊重对待他人。)

例句5: The development of citizenship education is crucial for building a harmonious and responsible society. (公民教育的发展对于建设和谐负责任的社会至关重要。)


- Civic consciousness: Similar to citizenship, it refers to the awareness and responsibility of being a member of a community.

- Social responsibility: The duty to contribute to the well-being and improvement of society.

- Nationality: Refers to the legal status of belonging to a particular country.

- Patriotism: The love and devotion towards one's own country.




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