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Meaning: To be prepared to write in English.

Pronunciation: /dʊ ˈprepər ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈhaʊ tu ˈraɪt/


Usage: This phrase is used to indicate that someone is ready or prepared to write in the English language. It can also mean to have the necessary knowledge, skills, or materials needed to write in English.

Example Sentences:

1. Are you ready to write your essay? Have you done your research and made a plan? Remember, you need to do good preparation before writing in English.


2. I always make sure I have a dictionary and grammar book on hand when I'm preparing to write in English.


3. The students were well-prepared for their English exam and all passed with flying colors.


4. As a journalist, it's important for me to do thorough preparation before writing an article in English.


5. The team spent weeks preparing for their presentation in English and it paid off when they won the competition.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Get ready to write in English: This phrase has a similar meaning and can be used interchangeably with "do good preparation before writing in English."

2. Be prepared for writing in English: This phrase also conveys the same meaning and can be used instead of "do good preparation before writing in English."

3. Have everything ready to write in English: This phrase emphasizes the importance of having all necessary materials or resources prepared before writing in English.

4. Ready yourself for writing in English: This phrase focuses on mentally preparing oneself for writing in English.

Editor's Summary:

Being prepared to write in English is crucial for producing quality written work. It involves having the necessary knowledge, skills, and materials, as well as being mentally prepared. Make sure to do thorough preparation before starting to write in order to achieve success. Some synonyms that can be used interchangeably with this phrase include "get ready to write in English" and "be prepared for writing in English."


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