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Trust is the belief that someone or something is reliable, honest, and can be counted on.





Trust can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to the belief in the reliability or honesty of someone or something. As a verb, it means to have confidence in someone or something.


1. I trust my best friend with all my secrets. (我信任我最好的朋友,把所有的秘密都告诉他。)

2. The company has lost the trust of its customers due to recent scandals. (由于最近的丑闻,这家公司已经失去了顾客的信任。)

3. It takes time to build trust in a relationship, but it can be easily broken. (建立关系中的信任需要时间,但是很容易被破坏。)

4. You can trust me to keep your secret safe. (你可以相信我会保守你的秘密。)

5. The government is working hard to regain the trust of its citizens after years of corruption. (经过多年的,正在努力重新赢得公民们的信任。)


1. Confidence: a feeling of trust and belief in oneself or others.

Example: She has confidence in her ability to pass the exam.

2. Reliance: dependence on someone or something.

Example: The children have a strong reliance on their parents for support.

3. Faith: complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

Example: I have faith in my team to win the game.

4. Credibility: the quality of being trusted and believed in.

Example: The scientist's research has increased his credibility in the scientific community.

5. Assurance: a feeling of confidence or certainty.

Example: The doctor's assurance that the surgery was successful put my mind at ease.


Trust is an important aspect of relationships and society as a whole. It is the foundation for strong bonds between individuals and essential for a functioning society. As a concept, trust can be difficult to define but it is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships and promoting cooperation. It is also something that takes time to build but can be easily broken, making it a delicate aspect of human interaction.


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