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Pronunciation: /'kuːʃən/

Meaning: To stimulate or encourage the growth or development of something.


Usage: The word "cushion" is often used to describe something soft and comfortable, such as a pillow or a padded seat. However, it can also be used in a figurative sense to describe the act of promoting or supporting something.

Example 1: The government implemented various policies to cushion the impact of the economic recession on small businesses.


Example 2: The company provided financial aid to cushion the blow of the sudden layoffs.


Example 3: Parents should strive to create a nurturing environment that will cushion their children's emotional development.


Example 4: The school offers a range of extracurricular activities to help cushion students' academic progress.


Example 5: A strong support system can help cushion the challenges of starting a new business.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Support - To provide assistance or encouragement.

Usage: The community came together to support the victims of the natural disaster.


2. Foster - To promote or encourage the development of something.

Usage: The organization aims to foster a sense of community among its members.


3. Nurture - To care for and encourage the growth or development of something.

Usage: The parents nurtured their child's artistic talents from a young age.


4. Sustain - To support or maintain something over time.

Usage: The company worked hard to sustain its reputation as a leader in innovation.


5. Boost - To increase or improve something.

Usage: The new marketing campaign helped boost sales for the company.


Editor's Summary:

In summary, "cushion" is a versatile word that can be used to describe both physical objects and actions that support or promote growth and development. It is often used in a figurative sense to describe the act of softening or lessening the impact of something negative. Synonyms such as "support," "foster," and "nurture" can also be used in similar contexts, while words like "sustain" and "boost" emphasize the idea of maintaining and improving something over time. As an editor, it is important to understand the various nuances of this word in order to accurately convey its meaning in different contexts.


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