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1. hate是指强烈的厌恶、憎恨或敌视某人或某事物的情绪。它可以作为名词或动词使用。

2. hate作为名词时,表示憎恨、厌恶的情绪。:She has a deep hate for her ex-husband.(她对前夫有着深深的憎恶。)

3. hate作为动词时,表示对某人或某事物感到憎恶、厌恶或敌视。:I hate the way he always interrupts me.(我讨厌他总是打断我。)

4. 读音读法:[heɪt],英式发音为/heit/,美式发音为/heit/。

5. 用例:

例句1:I hate it when people talk loudly on their phones in public places.


例句2:He hates the idea of having to work overtime on weekends.


例句3:She hates the taste of coffee, but loves the smell.


例句4:They hated each other at first, but eventually became good friends.


例句5:I hate to admit it, but he was right about this.



1. hate-filled(充满憎恨的):a hate-filled speech(充满憎恨的演讲)

2. hate-monger(煽动仇恨者):a hate-monger politician(煽动仇恨的政客)

3. self-hate(自我憎恨):self-hate can lead to self-destructive behaviors(自我憎恨会导致自我毁灭行为)

4. hate crime(仇恨犯罪):The attack on the mosque was labeled as a hate crime. (袭击寺被定性为仇恨犯罪。)

5. love-hate relationship (爱恨关系):They have a love-hate relationship with each other. (他们之间有着爱恨交织的关系。)


1. 意思:hate

2. 用法:



3. 读音读法:



4. 例句:

1)I hate it when people talk loudly on their phones in public places.


2)他讨厌周末还要加班这个想法。He hates the idea of having to work overtime on weekends.

3)她讨厌咖啡的味道,但却喜欢它的香味。She hates the taste of coffee, but loves the smell.

4)他们起初互相讨厌,但最终成了好朋友。They hated each other at first, but eventually became good friends.

5)我不想承认,但他在这件事上是对的。I hate to admit it, but he was right about this.

6. 简单总结:

hate是指强烈的厌恶、憎恨或敌视某人或某事物的情绪,可以作为名词或动词使用。作为名词时表示憎恨、厌恶的情绪,作为动词时表示对某人或某事物感到憎恶、厌恶或敌视。它的读音为[heɪt],英式发音为/heit/,美式发音为/heit/。在句子中常与介词to连用,hate to do something(不喜欢做某事),也可以与名词或动词的-ing形式连用,hate someone/something(讨厌某人/某事物)、hate doing something(讨厌做某事)。在英语中,hate也常与其他词组合,如hate crime(仇恨犯罪)、love-hate relationship(爱恨关系)等。总的来说,hate是一种消极的情绪,但在生活中我们也要学会和化解这种情绪。


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