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Thoughtful Translation

音标:/ˈθɔːtfəl trænsˈleɪʃ(ə)n/


用法:Thoughtful translation refers to the careful and considerate process of converting text from one language to another. It involves not only accurately conveying the meaning of words, but also taking into account cultural nuances and idiomatic expressions.


1. The company hired a team of thoughtful translators to ensure that their product descriptions were accurately translated for their international customers.


2. As a thoughtful translator, she always takes the time to research cultural references and idiomatic expressions before completing her translations.


3. The success of a global marketing campaign depends heavily on having a team of thoughtful translators who can accurately convey the brand's message in different languages.


4. The book was praised for its thoughtful translation, which captured the essence of the original text while still making it accessible to readers from different cultures.


5. The thoughtful translation of the historical document was crucial in accurately preserving its significance for future generations.



1. Meticulous translation: This refers to a translation that is done with great attention to detail and accuracy.

2. Considerate translation: This emphasizes the importance of considering cultural and linguistic differences in the translation process.

3. Careful translation: This describes a translation that is done with caution and precision.

4. Thorough translation: This emphasizes the need for a comprehensive and complete translation, leaving no room for errors or omissions.

5. Diligent translation: This highlights the hard work and dedication required to produce a high-quality translated text.


Thoughtful translation is not just about converting words from one language to another, but also about understanding cultural nuances and idiomatic expressions to accurately convey the intended meaning of the original text. It requires careful research, attention to detail, and consideration for different cultures in order to produce a high-quality translated text that effectively communicates the message across languages.


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