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The meaning of "余地用英语怎么说" is "how to say 余地 in English".



The pronunciation of 余地 is /yú dì/ (yoo-dee).




1. 我希望能给你留下足够的“余地”,让你自由选择。

I hope to leave you enough “room” to make your own choices.

2. 这个问题没有固定答案,你可以根据自己的想法有所“余地”。

There is no definite answer to this question, you can have some “leeway” based on your own ideas.

3. 在这个项目中,我需要一些“余地”来发挥我的创造力。

In this project, I need some “flexibility” to unleash my creativity.

4. 我们应该给予孩子们足够的“余地”,让他们发展出自己独特的个性。

We should give children enough “space” to develop their own unique personalities.

5. 他的决定没有给我们留下任何“余地”,我们必须按照他的要求去做。

His decision left us no “room” to maneuver, we have to do as he requested.


1. 余裕 (yú yù): This word is often used to indicate that there is enough time, space or resources for something. It can also be used to express a relaxed or comfortable state of mind.

2. 餘地 (yú dì): This is another way of writing 余地, the meaning and usage are the same.

3. 自由度 (zì yóu dù): This word is often used in technical or scientific contexts, it refers to the degree of freedom or flexibility in a system.

4. 灵活性 (líng huó xìng): This word can be used to describe someone's ability to adapt and change according to different situations.

5. 弹性 (tán xìng): This word literally means "elasticity" and can be used metaphorically to describe someone's resilience or flexibility.




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