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1. hold的意思是“抓住,握住”,指用手或其他物体抓住或握住某物。

2. hold的读音为[həʊld],读作“霍尔德”。

3. hold的意思还可以指“保持,保留”,表示维持某种状态或保留某物。


1) He held onto the rope tightly.


2) Please hold the door for me.


3) The company holds a meeting every month.


4) The government is trying to hold onto power.


5) She held onto her dream despite all the difficulties.


4. hold也可以表示“拥有,占有”,指拥有某物或某物。


1) He holds a large amount of wealth.


2) The country holds vast natural resources.


3) The team held control of the game until the very end.


5. 另外,hold还可以表示“举行,进行”,指进行某种活动或仪式。


1) The school holds a sports day every year.


2) The conference will be held in the main auditorium.


3) They are planning to hold a charity event next month.


6. hold也可以表示“承担,负责”,指承担某项责任或义务。


1) As the leader, she holds great responsibility for the team's success.


2) He held himself accountable for the mistake.


7. 最后,hold还可以表示“支撑,支持”,指提供支持或帮助。


1) The bridge is strong enough to hold heavy trucks.


2) He held her up when she was feeling down.



1. hold back 拦住,阻止

2. hold on 等待,坚持

3. hold out 伸出,坚持

4. hold up 支撑,阻挡

5. uphold 支持,维护


1. 抓住,握住 - hold

2. 保持,保留 - hold

3. 拥有,占有 - possess, have, own

4. 举行,进行 - hold, conduct

5. 承担,负责 - undertake, bear responsibility

6. 支撑,支持 - support, uphold



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