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Meaning: To understand how to express something in English.


Pronunciation: /təˈfiː ˈjuːz ɪŋ ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ səˌmeɪk/

Usage: This phrase is used when someone wants to learn or become familiar with how to say something in English. It can also be used when someone is trying to figure out the meaning of a word or phrase in English.

Example sentences:

1. I'm having trouble understanding this word, can you help me with how to say it in English?


2. Learning how to say things in English is an important part of becoming fluent.


3. She's still getting used to speaking in English, but she's improving every day.


4. Can you show me how to say this phrase correctly?


5. It takes time and practice to really understand how to say things naturally in English.


Synonyms and usage:

1. Express in English - This phrase has a similar meaning and can be used interchangeably with "how to say" in most cases.

2. Learn the language - This phrase can also be used when someone is trying to become proficient in speaking, reading, and writing a new language.

3. Familiarize with English - This phrase means to become acquainted or knowledgeable about English and its usage.

4. Master the language - This phrase is used when someone has achieved a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing a language.

5. Speak fluently - This phrase means to be able to communicate smoothly and effectively in a language.

Editor's summary:

Learning how to say things in English is an important step in becoming fluent in the language. It takes time and practice to understand how to express oneself naturally in English. There are many phrases that have similar meanings and can be used interchangeably with "how to say" such as "express in English" or "learn the language". Becoming familiar with English and mastering the language also require dedication and effort. With consistent practice, one can speak fluently and effectively in English.


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