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Word: Serendipity

Pronunciation: /ˌsɛrənˈdɪpəti/

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: the occurrence of fortunate events by chance or luck


Example Sentence 1: She found the perfect dress for her wedding by serendipity.

Example Sentence 2: Their meeting was a serendipitous moment that changed their lives forever.

Example Sentence 3: Sometimes, the best things in life happen through serendipity.

Example Sentence 4: The discovery of penicillin was a result of serendipity when Alexander Fleming accidentally left a petri dish open.

Example Sentence 5: It was pure serendipity that I stumbled upon this hidden gem of a restaurant while lost in the city.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Chance - This word can be used interchangeably with serendipity to describe an unexpected and fortunate event.

2. Luck - Similar to chance, luck can also be used to describe a fortunate event that happens by chance.

3. Fortuity - This word has a more formal tone and is often used in writing or formal speech.

4. Coincidence - While coincidence can also have negative connotations, it can also be used to describe a lucky or fortuitous event.

5. Happenstance - This word is often used to describe something that happens by chance or accident, but with positive outcomes.

Editor's Summary:

Serendipity is often seen as a happy accident or fortunate coincidence. It is the occurrence of unexpected and positive events through chance or luck. This word has been around since the 18th century and has been widely used in literature, music, and film. Synonyms such as chance, luck, fortuity, coincidence, and happenstance can be used interchangeably with serendipity depending on the context. It is a word that brings a sense of joy and excitement, as it reminds us that sometimes the best things in life happen unexpectedly.


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