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Discounted Price


/dɪsˈkaʊntəd praɪs/


Discounted price refers to a reduced price that is offered to customers as a promotion or incentive. This price is lower than the regular price of a product or service, and is usually only available for a limited time.



1. The store is having a sale and all their products are at discounted prices. (商店正在举行促销活动,所有产品都以优惠价格出售。)

2. As a loyal customer, I always receive discounted prices whenever I shop here. (作为一名忠实顾客,我每次在这里购物都能享受优惠价格。)

3. The hotel offers discounted prices for guests who book their rooms in advance. (酒店为提前预订房间的客人提供优惠价格。)

4. Don't miss out on our limited time offer of discounted prices on all electronics! (不要错过我们限时提供的所有电子产品的优惠价格!)

5. Students can get discounted prices on movie tickets by showing their student IDs at the box office. (学生可以通过在售票处出示学生证来获得电影票的优惠价格。)


1. Reduced Price: This term has the same meaning as discounted price and can be used interchangeably.

2. Sale Price: This refers to the lowered price of a product during a sale or promotion.

3. Bargain Price: This term emphasizes the idea of getting something at a lower cost than usual.

4. Marked Down Price: This refers to a price that has been lowered from its original price.

5. Special Offer: This is another term used to describe a temporary reduction in price for a product or service.


优惠价格的英文是Discounted Price,指的是以促销或激励方式提供给顾客的降价价格。这种价格通常低于产品或服务的正常价格,并且仅在有限的时间内有效。同义词包括Reduced Price、Sale Price、Bargain Price、Marked Down Price和Special Offer。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确理解并准确地翻译这些术语,以帮助读者更好地理解和使用它们。


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