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1. grant是指授予、给予、授权的意思。通常用作动词,表示同意给予某人或某物某种权力或特权。

2. grant的读音为/ɡrænt/,发音为“格兰特”。

3. 用例:

1) The university granted her a scholarship to study abroad.


2) The government granted the company a tax break.


3) The judge granted the defendant bail.


4) The king granted the knight with a title and land.


5) The committee granted her request for an extension.


4. 组词:

- grantee (n. 受让人)

- grantor (n. 授权人)

- grantable (adj. 可授权的)

- overgrant (v. 过度授权)

- undergrant (v. 授权不足)

5. grant的中英文对照:

- 中文:授予、给予、授权

- 英文:grant, give, authorize



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