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Meaning: How to say "从今以后" in English


Pronunciation: cóng jīn yǐ hòu yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō

Usage: This phrase is used to indicate something that will happen or be done from now on.

Example Sentences:

1. From now on, I will start eating healthier.


2. We should all learn to be more environmentally conscious from now on.


3. From now on, we will have a weekly team meeting.


4. He promised to be more responsible from now on.


5. They decided to save money from now on for their future plans.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. In the future - used when talking about something that will happen later or in the coming time.

2. Henceforth - used to indicate that something will continue or be done from this point forward.

3. From this day forward - a formal way of saying "from now on".

4. Moving forward - used in business or professional settings to talk about future plans or actions.

5. In the long run - used when talking about things that will happen over a long period of time.

Editor's Summary:

"从今以后" is a versatile phrase that can be used in various contexts to indicate something that will happen or be done from now on. It can also convey a sense of determination and commitment towards future actions and plans. There are several synonyms for this phrase, each with its own subtle differences in usage. As an editor, it is important to understand the context in which "从今以后" is being used and choose the most appropriate synonym accordingly.


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