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Meaning: This refers to the definition of a word or phrase in English and how it is written.


Pronunciation: /ˈwɒt ˈɪz ˈdɪkʃ(ə)n ˈɛŋglɪʃ haʊ tu ˈraɪt/

Usage: This phrase is commonly used when someone wants to know the meaning of a word or phrase in English and how it is spelled.

Example sentences:

1. Can you tell me what "bizarre" means in English and how to write it?


2. I'm not sure what "perplexed" means, can you show me how to write it in English?


3. My friend asked me what "gigantic" meant and how to spell it in English.


4. The teacher explained the meaning of "tedious" and showed us how to write it correctly.


5. I always have trouble remembering what "quintessential" means, can you remind me how to write it?


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Definition: This refers to the explanation or meaning of a word or phrase.

Synonyms: explanation, interpretation, clarification

Example sentence: The dictionary provides a clear definition of the word "onomaoeia".

2. Spell: This refers to the act of writing or naming the letters or characters that make up a word.

Synonyms: write, write out, print

Example sentence: Can you please spell your name for me?

3. Pronounce: This refers to the way a word is spoken or said.

Synonyms: say, articulate, enunciate

Example sentence: The students were asked to pronounce each word correctly during the language lesson.

4. Usage: This refers to how a word or phrase is used in a particular context or situation.

Synonyms: application, utilization, employment

Example sentence: The usage of slang words may be appropriate in informal settings but not in formal writing.

5. Idiom: This refers to an expression with a figurative meaning that is different from its literal meaning.

Synonyms: phrase, saying, expression

Example sentence: "It's raining cats and dogs" is an idiom that means it's raining heavily.

Editor's Summary:

In summary, "what does it mean in English and how do you write it" is a common phrase used when someone wants to know the definition and spelling of a word or phrase in English. It can be used in various contexts and situations and has synonyms such as explanation, spell, pronounce, usage, and idiom. As an editor of a dictionary translation company, it is important to provide accurate definitions and examples while also considering synonyms and usage to ensure clarity for language learners.


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