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Certificate of Origin

[ səˈtɪfɪkət əv ˈɔrɪdʒɪn ]


产地证(Certificate of Origin)是一种由国际贸易商或者生产商提供的,用于证明商品原产地的文件。它通常由当地或者商会签发,并且必须由进口国的海关接受和认可,才能作为货物清关的重要凭证。



1. The exporter must provide a Certificate of Origin to prove the country of origin for the imported goods.


2. The Certificate of Origin is an essential document for customs clearance and determining the applicable tariffs.


3. The Chamber of Commerce is responsible for issuing Certificates of Origin to local exporters.


4. Without a valid Certificate of Origin, the goods may be subject to additional inspections and delays at customs.


5. Please ensure that all required documents, including the Certificate of Origin, are provided before shipping the goods.



1. Country of origin certificate: This is another term used for Certificate of Origin, and it has the same meaning and usage in international trade.

2. Declaration of origin: This document is similar to a Certificate of Origin and is used to declare the country of origin for goods.

3. Origin certificate: This term can also be used interchangeably with Certificate of Origin, as it refers to the same document.

4. Proof of origin: This is another way to refer to the Certificate of Origin, as it serves as proof of where the goods originated from.

5. Statement of origin: This term is also used in place of Certificate of Origin, and it has the same function in international trade.


产地证是国际贸易中必不可少的文件,它用于证明货物的原产地,并且在海关清关过程中起着重要作用。它通常由当地或者商会签发,并且必须经过进口国的认可才能有效。除了英文名称为Certificate of Origin外,还有其他同义词可以使用,如country of origin certificate、declaration of origin等。因此,在进行国际贸易时,务必确保提供有效的产地证,以避免不必要的麻烦和延误。


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