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The meaning of "亡羊补牢" in English is "to mend the fold after the sheep are lost". It is a Chinese idiom that means to take remedial measures after a mistake has been made.



"Wáng yáng bǔ láo"


This idiom is usually used to describe the act of trying to fix a problem or mistake after it has already happened. It emphasizes the importance of taking action and making amends rather than dwelling on past failures.


1. 他们在公司遭受了巨大的损失,但是现在开始采取亡羊补牢的措施。

They suffered great losses in the company, but now they are taking measures to mend the fold.

2. 她意识到自己疏忽大意,现在只能亡羊补牢了。

She realized her carelessness and can only try to mend the fold now.

3. 我们不能再等待了,必须立即采取亡羊补牢的措施。

We can't wait any longer, we must take immediate action to mend the fold.

4. 虽然我们已经犯了错误,但是还有机会通过亡羊补牢来弥补。

Although we have made a mistake, there is still a chance to make up for it by mending the fold.

5. 他们终于意识到亡羊补牢的重要性,开始积极采取措施来弥补过失。

They finally realized the importance of mending the fold and started taking active measures to make up for their mistakes.


1. 破釜沉舟 (pò fǔ chén zhuō) - literally means "to break the cauldrons and sink the boats", it refers to making a decisive move with no turning back.

2. 亡羊得牛 (wáng yáng dé niú) - literally means "to gain an ox after losing a sheep", it refers to getting something better after losing something.

3. 赔了夫人又折 (péi le fū rén yòu zhé bīng) - literally means "to lose one's wife and break one's army", it refers to suffering double losses.

4. 画蛇添足 (huà shé tiān zú) - literally means "to draw legs on a snake", it refers to overdoing something and making it worse.

5. 覆水难收 (fù shuǐ nán shōu) - literally means "it's hard to retrieve spilled water", it refers to a situation that cannot be undone.


In summary, "亡羊补牢" is an important Chinese idiom that highlights the importance of taking action and making amends after a mistake has been made. It is often used in situations where there is still a chance to fix things, but immediate action is needed. Other similar idioms include 破釜沉舟, 亡羊得牛, 赔了夫人又折, 画蛇添足, and 覆水难收. Remember to use this idiom wisely and take responsibility for your actions.


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