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一:井的英文的意思:a well or a pit dug in the ground to obtain water, oil, or gas.




1. 作为名词,指地面上或地下开凿的供取水、油、气等用的圆形或方形坑;

2. 也可指具有类似功能的东西,如“漆井”、“煤井”等;

3. 在农村,还常用来指代供人们取水的公共设施。


1. The villagers rely on the well for their daily water supply. 村民们依靠这口井来获取日常用水。

2. The oil company has drilled several wells in this area. 这家石油公司在这个地区钻了几口井。

3. The miners were trapped in the coal mine when the well collapsed. 井塌方后,矿工们被困在了煤矿里。

4. The old man spent most of his life digging wells for his community. 这位老人花了大部分时间为社区挖掘井。

5. Can you please fetch some water from the well? 你能去井里打些水吗?


1. borehole: a deep narrow hole made in the ground, especially to find out about the rocks and substances below it;

2. shaft: a long vertical passage in a mine that allows air in and out and is also used to move people, coal, etc.;

3. pit: a large hole in the ground, or a slightly low area in any surface;

4. spring: a place where water comes up naturally from under the ground;

5. fountain: a structure that sends water up into the air in a decorative way.




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