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Interaction is the process of two or more things working together to create a combined effect. It can also refer to the exchange of ideas, thoughts, or information between people.


1. The interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom is crucial for effective learning. (教师和学生之间的互动对有效的学习至关重要。)

2. Social media has revolutionized the way we interact with each other. (社交媒体改变了我们互相交流的方式。)

3. The interaction between different cultures can lead to a better understanding and appreciation of diversity. (不同文化之间的互动可以促进对多样性的更好理解和欣赏。)

4. The success of a team depends on the level of interaction and collaboration among its members. (团队的成功取决于成员之间的互动和合作程度。)

5. The game encourages children to interact with each other and develop their social skills. (这款游戏鼓励孩子们相互交流,培养他们的社交技能。)


1. Communication - the act of exchanging information or ideas through speaking, writing, or using other mediums.

2. Cooperation - working together towards a common goal or purpose.

3. Engagement - actively participating in an activity or conversation.

4. Collaboration - working together with others to achieve a shared goal.

5. Connection - a relationship or link between people or things.


Interaction is a fundamental aspect of human communication and collaboration. It involves the exchange of ideas, thoughts, and information between individuals or groups. In today's digital age, technology has greatly expanded the ways in which we can interact with each other. However, it is important to remember the value of face-to-face interaction and its impact on building relationships and understanding diversity. As individuals, we should strive to actively engage in interactions that promote learning, cooperation, and teamwork.


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