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1. 二色波罗蜜 (ér sè bō luó mì)

Meaning: A type of fruit that is commonly known as "bicolored pomelo" or "two-tone pomelo". It is a hybrid of two different varieties of pomelo, resulting in a unique color and flavor.


Pronunciation: /ɛr sɛ bəʊ lʊə miː/

Usage: This term is mostly used in Chinese to refer to this specific type of pomelo. However, it can also be used in English as a way to describe this fruit.

Example Sentences:

1. 这个二色波罗蜜的果皮是黄色和绿色相间的。(zhè gè èr sè bō luó mì de guǒ pí shì huáng sè hé lǜ sè xiāng jiàn de.)

This bicolored pomelo has a skin that is yellow and green.

2. 我最喜欢吃的水果是二色波罗蜜,它的味道非常清甜。(wǒ zuì xǐ huān chī de shuǐ guǒ shì èr sè bō luó mì, tā de wèi dào fēi cháng qīng tián.)

My favorite fruit to eat is bicolored pomelo, it has a very sweet taste.

Synonyms and Usage:

- Two-Tone Pomelo: This term can be used interchangeably with "bicolored pomelo" to describe the same fruit.

- Hybrid Pomelo: This term can also be used to describe the same fruit, emphasizing its hybrid nature.

Editor's Summary:

二色波罗蜜 (bicolored pomelo) is a unique and delicious fruit that is a hybrid of two different varieties of pomelo. It is mostly used in Chinese, but can also be used in English to describe this specific type of pomelo. Other terms such as "two-tone pomelo" and "hybrid pomelo" can also be used to refer to this fruit.


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