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Meaning: Disorganized or chaotic English.

Pronunciation: /ˈlʌn sɛvən ˈbeɪt ˈzɒt/

Usage: This phrase is used to describe something that is messy, disordered, or chaotic.


Example Sentences:

1. My room is in a state of complete disarray, there are clothes and books everywhere. It's just a mess of stuff - a real "乱七八糟的的英文."

我的房间一团糟,到处都是衣服和书籍。简直就是一堆东西的混乱 - 真是一种“乱七八糟的的英文”。

2. I can't make sense of this report, it's written in such a "乱七八糟的的英文."


3. The teacher's desk was covered in papers and pens, it was a "乱七八糟的的英文" that made it hard to find anything.


4. The company's filing system was a disaster, everything was mixed up and it was just a "乱七八糟的的英文."


5. Don't bother trying to read his handwriting, it's just a bunch of scribbles - a real "乱七八糟的的英文."

别费劲读他的手写字,简直就是一堆潦草的字迹 - 真是一种“乱七八糟的的英文”。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Chaotic - This word can be used interchangeably with "乱七八糟的的英文" to describe something that is disorganized or messy.

2. Disordered - Similar to "乱七八糟的的英文," this word can be used to describe something that is not in order or is chaotic.

3. Jumbled - This word can be used to describe something that is mixed up or confused, similar to the meaning of "乱七八糟的的英文."

4. Haphazard - Used to describe something that is disorganized or lacking a clear structure, similar to the meaning of "乱七八糟的的英文."

5. Topsy-turvy - This phrase can be used interchangeably with "乱七八糟的的英文" to describe something that is in a state of confusion or disorder.

Editor's Summary:

"乱七八糟的的英文" is a commonly used phrase in informal English to describe something that is messy, disordered, or chaotic. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing a messy room, confusing handwriting, or a disorganized filing system. Synonyms like chaotic, disordered, and jumbled can also be used in similar contexts. Remember not to use this phrase in formal or professional settings.


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