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Word: Serendipity

Pronunciation: /ˌsɛrənˈdɪpəti/


Usage: noun

Definition: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way

Example Sentences:

1. Serendipity led me to find my dream job.

2. The discovery of penicillin was a serendipitous accident.

3. We wouldn't have met if it weren't for serendipity.

4. The couple's love story is a perfect example of serendipity.

5. Sometimes the best things in life happen through serendipity.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Luck - She had the luck of finding a four-leaf clover on her first try.

2. Chance - It was pure chance that they both ended up at the same café at the same time.

3. Fortune - He considered himself lucky to have inherited such a large fortune from his grandfather.

4. Happenstance - Their meeting was simply happenstance, but it turned out to be life-changing for both of them.

Editor's Summary:

Serendipity refers to the unexpected and fortunate occurrence of events by chance, often leading to positive outcomes. It can also be used to describe moments of luck or good fortune. This word has a positive connotation and is often associated with happy coincidences or pleasant surprises in life. Synonyms such as luck, chance, fortune, and happenstance can be used interchangeably with serendipity in certain contexts.


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