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The nine major planets refer to the eight planets in our solar system, including Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, as well as the dwarf planet Pluto.



/naɪn ˈmeɪdʒər ˈplænɪts/




1. The nine major planets in our solar system are all unique and fascinating. (我们太阳系中的九大行星都各具特色,非常迷人。)

2. Jupiter is the largest of the nine major planets. (木星是九大行星中最大的一个。)

3. The orbit of Neptune is the farthest among all the nine major planets. (海王星的轨道距离所有九大行星中最远。)

4. Scientists have discovered more than 4,000 exoplanets outside of our solar system that are similar to the nine major planets. (科学家们已经了超过4000颗类似于九大行星的太阳系外行星。)

5. The nine major planets are just a small fraction of the countless planets in the universe. (九大行星只是宇宙中无数行星中的一小部分。)


- The eight planets: This term refers to the eight major planets in our solar system, excluding Pluto.

- Solar system: This term refers to the sun and all the celestial bodies that orbit around it, including the nine major planets.

- Major planets: This term can be used interchangeably with "the nine major planets" to refer to the eight planets and Pluto.

- Planetary system: This term refers to a group of celestial bodies that orbit around a star, similar to our own solar system.


九大行星是指我们太阳系中的八大行星和冥王星,它们围绕太阳运行,是宇宙中最为常见的天体之一。除了常用的"nine major planets"这个词组外,还可以使用类似的同义词来表达相同的意思。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要了解并准确地表达这些天文学术语,以便帮助读者更好地理解宇宙和太阳系。


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