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1. Afterward (adv.) /'æftəwərd/ - at a later or future time; subsequently; following something else

Usage: Afterward is often used to indicate something that happens after a particular event or action.


Example: She went to the store and afterward she went to the gym.

2. Subsequently (adv.) /'sʌbsɪkwəntli/ - happening or coming after something else; following in order or succession

Usage: Subsequently is often used in formal contexts to indicate a sequence of events.

Example: The company faced financial difficulties and subsequently had to lay off employees.

3. Afterwards (adv.) /'æftərwərdz/ - at a later time; after an event has happened

Usage: Afterwards is similar to afterward, but it is more commonly used in British English.

Example: They went for a walk and afterwards they had dinner together.

4. Later on (adv.) /'leɪtər ɒn/ - at some point in the future; at a later time

Usage: Later on can be used in both formal and informal contexts.

Example: We will discuss this matter later on.

5. In the future (prep. phrase) /ɪn ðə 'fjuːtʃə(r)/ - at some point after now; in the time that is to come

Usage: In the future is often used when talking about plans, predictions, or expectations.

Example: In the future, we hope to expand our business internationally.


- Eventually (adv.) /ɪ'ventʃuəli/ - finally; ultimately

Usage: Eventually emphasizes that something will happen after a period of time.

Example: Eventually, she realized that she needed to change her lifestyle for her health.

- Thereafter (adv.) /'ðeəræftə(r)/ - after that; following that

Usage: Thereafter is often used to indicate a sequence of events.

Example: She graduated from college and thereafter pursued a career in finance.

- After (prep.) /'ɑːftə(r)/ - following in time or order; later than something else

Usage: After is a commonly used preposition to indicate something that happens later.

Example: After the meeting, we went out for drinks.


In this dictionary entry, we have discussed five different ways to express "之后用英语怎么说" in English. These include afterward, subsequently, afterwards, later on, and in the future. Each of these words or phrases has a slightly different meaning and usage, so it's important to choose the right one depending on the context. Additionally, we have also provided some synonyms for "之后用英语怎么说" such as eventually, thereafter, and after. As an editor or translator, it's important to have a good understanding of synonyms and their usage in order to convey the intended meaning accurately.


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