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Word: Facilitate

Pronunciation: /fəˈsɪl.ɪ.teɪt/


Usage: verb

Definition: to make an action or process easier or smoother, to help something happen or develop

Example Sentences:

1. The new software will facilitate the data entry process, making it more efficient and less prone to errors. (新软件将简化数据输入过程,使其更高效,并减少错误的可能性。)

2. The government's new policies aim to facilitate economic growth and create more job opportunities for its citizens. (的新旨在促进经济增长,为公民创造更多就业机会。)

3. The teacher's role is to facilitate learning, not just impart knowledge. (老师的角色是促进学习,而不仅仅是传授知识。)

4. The company organized a workshop to facilitate communication between different departments and improve teamwork. (公司组织了一次研讨会,旨在促进不同部门之间的沟通,并改善团队合作。)

5. The use of technology has greatly facilitated international trade and communication in today's globalized world. (在当今全球化的世界中,技术的使用极大地促进了国际贸易和交流。)

Synonyms: aid, assist, help, ease, expedite

Usage Tips:

1. "Facilitate" is often used in formal or professional contexts.

2. It can be followed by a noun or gerund (-ing form of a verb) as its object.

3. It is often used to describe a process or action that makes something easier or more efficient.

Editor's Summary:

"Facilitate" is a versatile verb that describes the act of making something easier or smoother. It can be used in various contexts, from business to education, and is often associated with improving processes or helping things develop. Its synonyms include words like "aid" and "assist," but it is usually used in more formal settings. Remember to use it with the appropriate object and keep in mind its meaning of making something easier.


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