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Northeast Revitalization Plan


[ɔːrθˈiːst riˌvaɪtəlaɪˈzeɪʃən plæn]

Noun. A comprehensive plan aimed at promoting the economic and social development of the Northeast region of China.

Usage: The Northeast Revitalization Plan was launched in 2003 to boost economic growth and improve the living standards of residents in the Northeast region.

Example Sentences:

1. The government has allocated a significant amount of funds for the implementation of the Northeast Revitalization Plan.


2. The Northeast Revitalization Plan has led to a significant increase in job opportunities in the region.


3. The success of the Northeast Revitalization Plan has attracted foreign investors to invest in the region.



1. Northeast Development Plan

2. Dongbei Revitalization Strategy

3. Manchuria Economic Renewal Project

Editor's Summary:

The Northeast Revitalization Plan, also known as Dongbei Revitalization Strategy, is a major initiative by the Chinese government to promote economic growth and social development in the Northeast region of China. It was launched in 2003 and has led to significant improvements in job opportunities and living standards for residents in this area. This plan has also attracted foreign investments, further boosting economic development in this region.


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