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Unpredictable, Nature's Tricks, Tempting Future

/ʌnprɪˈdɪktəbəl/, /ˈneɪtʃərz trɪks/, /ˈtɛmptɪŋ ˈfjutʃər/


adjective, noun, adjective + noun

1. 世事難料,人生充滿了無法預測的變化。

Unpredictable, life is full of unforeseen changes.

2. 造化弄人,命運常常是不公平的。

Nature's tricks, fate is often unfair.

3. 未來因為無法確定而變得誘人,我們對未知的渴望驅使我們向前邁進。

The tempting future, our desire for the unknown drives us forward.

4. 雖然世事難料,但我們可以努力掌握自己的命運。

Although unpredictable, we can strive to take control of our own destiny.

5. 造化弄人的情況下,我們必須學會接受和適應變化。

In the face of nature's tricks, we must learn to accept and adapt to change.

Synonyms: uncertain, capricious, fickle

Antonyms: certain, stable, consistent

Unpredictable refers to something that cannot be foreseen or anticipated. It suggests a lack of control or certainty in a situation.

Nature's tricks refers to the unpredictable and sometimes unfair ways in which fate or the natural world can affect us.

Tempting future describes the allure and appeal of the unknown and uncertain future. It implies a sense of excitement and potential opportunities.

In summary, these words convey the idea that life is full of unexpected changes and challenges, but we must learn to adapt and embrace the unpredictable nature of our existence.


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