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1. 不称职的英文 (Incompetent)


- adjective


- lacking the necessary skills or abilities to do something successfully; not competent

- 无能的,不称职的


1. She was fired after showing her incompetent management skills.


2. 他是个不称职的领导,他没有能力带领团队完成任务。

He is an incompetent leader, he lacks the ability to lead the team to complete tasks.

3. 不称职的员工会给公司带来很多损失。

Incompetent employees can cause a lot of losses to the company.

4. 她因为缺乏经验而显得不称职。

She appeared incompetent due to lack of experience.

5. 这位总裁是一个非常不称职的人,他没有能力管理公司。

The CEO is a very incompetent person, he lacks the ability to manage the company.


1. incapable (adj.) - lacking ability or strength

2. inept (adj.) - having or showing no skill; clumsy

3. unqualified (adj.) - not having the necessary skill, experience, or qualifications for a particular job or task

4. inadequate (adj.) - not enough or not good enough for what is needed

Editor's Summary:

不称职的英文(Incompetent)是指缺乏必要的技能或能力,无法成功完成某件事情。这个词可以用来形容人或事物,并且具有贬义。同义词包括incapable, inept, unqualified和inadequate。在使用时需要注意语境,避免伤害他人的感情。


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