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The meaning of "上钩" in English is "to be hooked" or "to be lured/tricked into something".



"上钩" in Mandarin Chinese is pronounced as "shàng gōu", with the tone marks of the first and second characters being neutral tones.


"上钩" is a commonly used phrase in Mandarin Chinese, which means to be hooked or lured into something. It can be used in both literal and figurative contexts. In a literal sense, it refers to being caught on a hook while fishing. In a figurative sense, it can refer to being tricked, deceived, or seduced into doing something.


1. 他被朋友的谎言上钩了,结果损失了很多钱。

He fell for his friend's lie and ended up losing a lot of money.

2. 这个广告太诱人了,我都快被它上钩了。

This advertisement is so tempting, I'm almost hooked by it.

3. 小偷在街上放了一个陷阱,等着有人上钩。

The thief set up a trap on the street, waiting for someone to get hooked.

4. 她总是轻易地就被男生的甜言蜜语给上钩了。

She's always easily lured by boys' sweet words.

5. 我们应该惕那些企图让我们上钩的不良商家。

We should be wary of those unscrupulous merchants who try to hook us.


1. 上当 (shàng dàng) - to be fooled/tricked

2. 被骗 (bèi piàn) - to be deceived/cheated

3. 落入圈套 (luò rù quān tào) - to fall into a trap

4. 中计 (zhòng jì) - to be outsmarted/outwitted

5. 受骗 (shòu piàn) - to be scammed/conned


"上钩" is a commonly used phrase in Mandarin Chinese, which means to be hooked or lured into something. It can be used in both literal and figurative contexts, and has similar meanings with other phrases such as "上当", "被骗", "落入圈套", "中计", and "受骗". As an editor, it is important to understand the meaning and usage of this phrase in order to accurately translate it into English.


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