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1. glamor是指迷人的魅力或吸引力,通常用来形容某人或某物具有令人着迷的气质。:The actress has a natural glamor that captivates the audience.(这位女演员拥有一种天生的魅力,让观众为之倾倒。)

2. glamor也可以指表面上华丽、富丽堂皇的外表,但实际上缺乏内涵和真实性。:The party was full of glamor, but it lacked substance.(这场派对充满了华丽,但缺乏内涵。)

3. glamor也可以指艳丽的色彩或光彩。:The sunset over the ocean was a scene of pure glamor.(大海上方的夕阳是一幅纯粹的艳丽画面。)




1. The fashion show was full of glamor and glitz.


2. She exudes an aura of old Hollywood glamor.


3. The hotel's luxurious lobby had a touch of glamor.


4. The magazine cover was designed to add glamor to the celebrity's image.


5. The actress' glamorous appearance on the red carpet stole the show.



1. glamourous (adj.) 迷人的,富有魅力的

2. glamourize (v.) 使具有魅力,美化

3. unglamorous (adj.) 不具有魅力的,不吸引人的

4. glamorization (n.) 美化,增添魅力

5. glamorousness (n.) 魅力,迷人程度


1. glamor是指迷人的魅力或吸引力,通常用来形容某人或某物具有令人着迷的气质。

The actress has a natural glamor that captivates the audience.


2. glamor也可以指表面上华丽、富丽堂皇的外表,但实际上缺乏内涵和真实性。

The party was full of glamor, but it lacked substance.


3. glamor也可以指艳丽的色彩或光彩。

The sunset over the ocean was a scene of pure glamor.


4. glamourous (adj.) 迷人的,富有魅力的

Her glamourous appearance on the red carpet stole the show.


5. glamourize (v.) 使具有魅力,美化

The magazine cover was designed to glamourize the celebrity's image.


6. unglamorous (adj.) 不具有魅力的,不吸引人的

Working as a waitress is often seen as an unglamorous job.


7. glamorization (n.) 美化,增添魅力

The media's glamorization of thinness has led to widespread body image issues among young people.


8. glamorousness (n.) 魅力,迷人程度

The city's glamorousness attracts tourists from all over the world.



glamor是指迷人的魅力或吸引力,也可以指表面上华丽、富丽堂皇的外表。它可以用来形容某人或某物具有令人着迷的气质,也可以指艳丽的色彩或光彩。相关词汇有glamorous (adj.) 迷人的,富有魅力的;glamorize (v.) 使具有魅力,美化;unglamorous (adj.) 不具有魅力的,不吸引人的等。媒体和社会常常将glamor与名流、时尚和奢华在一起,但它也可以是一种虚幻和缺乏内涵的表象。无论如何,glamor都是一种令人向往和迷恋的概念,在生活中随处可见。


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