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[url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721

[url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721 is defined as a computer software or hardware product that is specifically designed to protect the computer and its data from unauthorized access, use, or damage. It is also known as cybersecurity or information technology security.

[url http:  product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721

Pronunciation: [proh-duhkt pee-see-oh-nlahyn dah-tah sev-er-tee puh-wuhn-sevuhn tee-puh-wuhn]

Usage: [url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721 can be used to prevent hackers from gaining access to sensitive information on a computer, such as personal data, financial records, or confidential documents. It can also be used to protect against viruses, malware, and other cyber threats.]

Example Sentences:

1. My company has strict policies in place regarding the use of [url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721 to ensure the security of our clients' data.

我的公司有严格的,以确保使用[url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721来保护客户数据的安全。

2. It is important for individuals and businesses alike to invest in reliable [url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721 in order to safeguard their sensitive information.

个人和企业都应该投资可靠的[url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721,以保护他们的敏感信息。

3. The latest version of [url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721 includes advanced features such as real-time monitoring and automatic updates for maximum protection.

最新版本的[url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721包括高级功能,如实时监控和自动更新,以达到最大的保护效果。

4. [url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721 is essential for businesses that handle large amounts of sensitive data, such as banks and healthcare providers.

[url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721对于处理大量敏感数据的企业非常重要,银行和医疗保健提供商。

5. It is recommended to regularly update your [url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721 to ensure that it is equipped with the latest security measures.

建议定期更新[url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721,以确保它配备了最新的安全措施。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Cybersecurity - This term is often used interchangeably with [url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721 and refers to the protection of computer systems and networks from digital attacks.

网络安全 - 这个术语通常与[url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721互换使用,指的是保护计算机和网络免受数字攻击。

2. Antivirus software - This type of software specifically focuses on protecting against viruses, but may also offer additional security features similar to those found in [url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721.

防病毒软件 - 这种类型的软件专门致力于防止病毒,但也可能提供类似于[url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721中的其他安全功能。

3. Firewall - This is a security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic, similar to how [url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721 protects against unauthorized access.

防火墙 - 这是一种安全,它监控和进出的网络流量,类似于[url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721防止未经授权访问的方式。

4. Encryption - This refers to the process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access, similar to how [url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721 encrypts sensitive information.

加密 - 这指的是将数据转换为代码的过程,以防止未经授权访问,类似于[url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721加密敏感信息。

Editor's Summary:

[url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721 is a crucial aspect of computer security, protecting against unauthorized access and cyber threats. It is important for individuals and businesses alike to invest in reliable [url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721 in order to safeguard sensitive information. Regular updates and use of additional security measures, such as firewalls and encryption, can further enhance the effectiveness of [url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721. Other terms commonly used in relation to computer security include cybersecurity, antivirus software, firewall, and encryption. As technology continues to advance, it is essential for [url http: product.pconline.com.cn product 177 p17721 to evolve and adapt in order to effectively protect against new and emerging threats.


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