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Would not it be an idea to phone him now?是什么意思


Would not it be an idea to phone him now?是什么意思


Would not it be an idea to phone him now? [wʊd nɒt ɪt bi ən aɪˈdiə tə fəʊn hɪm naʊ]




1. Would not it be an idea to call her and ask for her opinion on this matter? (给她打询问她对这件事的看法会不会是个好主意?)

2. I think you should give him a call right now. Wouldn't that be an idea? (我觉得你应该立刻给他打。那不就是个好主意吗?)

3. Why don't we just pick up the phone and give them a call? Would not it be an idea to get their input on this project? (我们为什么不直接拿起给他们打个?现在给他们提供一些关于这个项目的想法会不会是个好主意?)

4. It's getting late, maybe we should call it a day and continue tomorrow. Would not it be an idea to take a break? (时间已经很晚了,也许我们应该今天就收工,明天再继续。休息一下会不会是个好主意?)

5. I'm not sure if we should go ahead with this plan. Would not it be an idea to discuss it with our team first? (我不确定我们是否应该继续这个计划。先和团队讨论一下会不会是个好主意?)


1. Would it be a good idea to phone him now?

2. Is it advisable to give him a call at this moment?



“Would not it be an idea to phone him now?”是一种常用的日常交流方式,用于询问对方的建议或者确认某件事情是否可行。它可以作为一种礼貌的提问方式,在表达时需要注意语气和语境,避免给对方带来压力或冒犯。同时,它也可以用于表达自己的建议或想法,在交流中起到很好的沟通作用。


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