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works in progress是什么意思

意思:works in progress是一个英文短语,通常用来指正在进行中的工作、项目或计划。它可以用来表示任何正在进行中的事物,无论是个人的工作还是团队的项目。

怎么读:[wɜːks ɪn ˈprəʊgres]

用法:works in progress主要用作名词短语,在句子中作主语、宾语或补语。它可以单独使用,也可以和其他词组合使用,如work in progress、work in progress report等。

works in progress是什么意思


- Our team has several works in progress that we need to finish before the deadline.


- The construction of the new office building is still a work in progress.



- I can't join you for lunch today, I have a lot of works in progress that I need to focus on.


- The company's financial report is still a work in progress, we will present it at the next meeting.



- The artist's latest painting is a work in progress, he plans to add more details before it's complete.


- The team leader gave us a work in progress report to update us on the project's status.



- The company's website is still a work in progress, we are constantly making improvements and updates.


- As a writer, I always have several works in progress at the same time.



- The team has made significant progress on the project, but there are still some works in progress that need to be completed.


同义词及用法:works in progress可以和其他短语互换使用,work in progress、work in process、work in development等。它们都可以用来表示正在进行中的工作或项目。

编辑总结:works in progress是一个常用的英文短语,它可以指任何正在进行中的事物。它可以单独使用,也可以和其他短语组合使用。在商务场景中经常被使用,在写作或口语表达时也很常见。同义词包括work in progress、work in process、work in development等。


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