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1. fitted是指适合、安装、配备或制作的意思,常用作形容词。:The dress is well fitted for the occasion.(这件礼服很适合这个场合。)

2. fitted的用法和例句读音读法:[ˈfɪtɪd],注意发音时要将“ed”发成[t]音。

3. fitted的用法和例句的用例:

例句1:The tailor took my measurements and made a perfectly fitted suit for me.(裁缝量了我的尺寸,为我做了一套完美合身的西装。)

例句2:The new car comes with a fitted GPS system.(这辆新车配备有GPS。)

例句3:She loves to wear fitted dresses that show off her curves.(她喜欢穿贴身连衣裙展现自己的曲线。)

例句4:The kitchen is fully fitted with modern appliances.(厨房里有现代家电配备齐全。)

例句5:The furniture in the house was specially designed and custom-fitted for the space.(房子里的家具都是为这个空间特别设计和定制的。)

4. fitted是什么意思?fitted的用法和例句组词:

- well-fitted (adj.) 合身的

- custom-fitted (adj.) 定制的

- tailored and fitted (adj.) 裁剪合身的

- tightly-fitted (adj.) 紧身的

- fitted sheet (n.) 贴身床单

5. fitted是什么意思?fitted的用法和例句的中英文对照:

- fitted (adj.) 适合的,安装的,配备的,制作的

- well fitted (adj.) 合身的

- custom-fitted (adj.) 定制的

- tailored and fitted (adj.) 裁剪合身的

- tightly-fitted (adj.) 紧身的

- fitted sheet (n.) 贴身床单

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结:Fitted一词有多重含义,可以指适合、安装、配备或制作。作为形容词时,常用来描述衣服、家具或其他物品与特定场合或空间相匹配。一件well-fitted dress(合身的连衣裙)、a custom-fitted kitchen(定制厨房)等。Fitted还可以用作名词,指贴身床单。总之,fitted这个词在日常生活中经常被使用,具有多样化和灵活性。


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