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When can New Bora take the place of Jetta?是什么意思



When [wɛn] can [kæn] New Bora [nuː ˈbɔːrə] take [teɪk] the place [ðə pleɪs] of Jetta [ˈdʒetə]?

When can New Bora take the place of Jetta?是什么意思


“take the place of”是一个常用的英语短语,意为“取代、代替”。在这个句子中,New Bora指的是一款汽车型号,Jetta也是一款汽车型号,因此可以理解为问“新宝来什么时候可以取代捷达作为一款更好的汽车型号”。


1. The new model of Bora is expected to take the place of Jetta in the market. (新款宝来预计将在市场上取代捷达。)

2. Many people are wondering when New Bora can finally take the place of Jetta as the most popular car model. (许多人都在想,新宝来什么时候能够最终取代捷达成为最流行的汽车型号。)

3. With its advanced technology and sleek design, New Bora has the potential to take the place of Jetta as a leader in the automotive industry. (凭借先进的技术和时尚的设计,新宝来有潜力在汽车行业中取代捷达成为领导者。)

4. The sales of Jetta have been declining in recent years, which has led many to believe that New Bora will soon take its place. (近年来,捷达的销售额一直在下降,这让许多人相信新宝来很快就会取代它的位置。)

5. Some critics argue that it is not a matter of if, but when New Bora will take the place of Jetta as the -selling car model. (一些评论家认为,新宝来能否取代捷达成为最畅销的汽车型号不是问题,而是时间的问题。)


1. Replace:意为“替换、取代”,常用于描述一个物品或人被另一个物品或人所取代的情况。

例:The old model of Bora will be replaced by the new one next year.


2. Substitude:意为“替代、代替”,强调用一个物品或人来替换另一个物品或人。

例:Due to the shortage of materials, we had to substitute plastic for metal in our product.


3. Supplant:意为“排挤、取代”,强调通过竞争或斗争来占据原有物品或人的位置。

例:The new restaurant has quickly supplanted the old one as the most popular dining spot in town.



“take the place of”是一个常用的短语,用于描述一个物品或人被另一个物品或人所取代的情况。在这个句子中,我们提到了同义词replace、substitute和supplant,它们都可以用来表达类似的意思。随着科技和社会的发展,新产品和新技术不断涌现,取代旧有的物品和方法已经成为一种常态。因此,“take the place of”这个短语也经常出现在我们的日常生活中。


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