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We owe the Millers a dinner invitation,when are we to

1. We owe the Millers a dinner invitation,when are we to的意思:

We owe the Millers a dinner invitation,when are we to


2. 怎么读(音标):

We owe the Millers a dinner invitation,when are we to [wiː əʊ ðə ˈmɪləz ə ˈdɪnər ɪnvɪˈteɪʃn, wen ɑː wiː tuː]

3. 用法:


4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1) We owe the Millers a dinner invitation, when are we to go? (我们欠米勒斯一次晚餐邀请,我们什么时候去?)

2) When are we to give the Millers a dinner invitation? (我们什么时候给米勒斯家庭一个晚餐邀请?)

3) We should give the Millers a dinner invitation, when are we to do it? (我们应该给米勒斯家庭一个晚餐邀请,我们什么时候去做?)

4) The Millers have invited us for dinner, when are we to return the favor? (米勒斯家庭邀请我们共进晚餐,我们什么时候回请他们?)

5) We owe the Millers a dinner invitation, when are we to make it up to them? (我们欠米勒斯一次晚餐邀请,我们什么时候能够补偿他们?)

5. 同义词及用法:

- We owe the Millers a dinner invitation可以替换为以下表达方式:

1) We should give the Millers a dinner invitation

2) It's our turn to invite the Millers for dinner

3) When can we invite the Millers for dinner?


6. 编辑总结:

We owe the Millers a dinner invitation,when are we to是一句礼貌用语,表示对米勒斯家庭的感谢,并希望能够和他们共进晚餐。它可以作为一句独立的问句,也可以作为一句陈述句中的问句部分。同义词包括We should give the Millers a dinner invitation、It's our turn to invite the Millers for dinner、When can we invite the Millers for dinner等。在使用时,应注意礼貌和感激的情绪,并根据具体情况选择合适的表达方式。


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