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Waterboarding is a technique that induces the sensatio

Waterboarding is a controversial interrogation technique that involves pouring water over a cloth covering the face and breathing passages of an immobilized individual, causing the sensation of drowning. It is often used as a form of torture to extract information or confessions from prisoners.

Waterboarding is a technique that induces the sensatio

Pronunciation: /ˈwɔːtərˌbɔːrdɪŋ/

Usage: Waterboarding is considered a form of torture and is prohibited by international law.

Example sentences:

1. The prisoner was subjected to waterboarding multiple times in order to extract information.

2. The use of waterboarding as an interrogation technique has sparked widespread debate and criticism.

3. Many human rights organizations have condemned the use of waterboarding as a violation of basic human rights.

4. The United Nations has called for a ban on the use of waterboarding and other forms of torture.

5. The effects of waterboarding can be long-lasting, causing physical and psychological harm to the victim.

Synonyms: Drowning simulation, simulated drowning, water torture

Usage: The use of simulated drowning techniques such as waterboarding is considered a violation of human rights.

Editor's summary:

Waterboarding is a highly controversial interrogation technique that involves pouring water over an individual's face to simulate drowning. It is widely condemned as a form of torture and is prohibited by international law. Its use has sparked debates on ethics and human rights, with many organizations calling for its ban. Other terms for this technique include simulated drowning or water torture.


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