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1. firmness是指坚定、坚决的态度或性质,也可以表示稳固、坚硬的特性。:She showed a great deal of firmness in her decision.(她在决定中表现出极大的坚定性。)The firmness of the ground made it difficult to dig.(地面的坚硬使挖掘变得困难。)

2. firmness的读音为[fɜːmnəs],发音时注意将"r"发音清晰,并且重音在第一音节。

3. 用例:

(1)He spoke with such firmness that no one dared to question his authority.(他说话时如此坚定,没有人敢质疑他的权威。)

(2)The mattress provides the perfect balance of softness and firmness for a comfortable sleep.(这个床垫提供了舒适睡眠所需的柔软和坚硬的完美平衡。)

(3)Her grip on the handle was full of firmness, showing her determination to win the race.(她握着把手时充满了坚定,显示出她赢得比赛的决心。)

(4)The doctor advised him to do some exercises to improve the firmness of his muscles.(医生建议他做一些锻炼来提高肌肉的紧实度。)

(5)The success of their relationship lies in their mutual trust and firmness in their commitment to each other.(他们关系的成功在于彼此之间的信任和对彼此承诺的坚定性。)

4. 组词:firmness可以与其他形容词或名词组合,形成新的词汇,如:

(1)firmness of character(性格坚定)

(2)firmness of belief(信念坚定)

(3)firmness of purpose(目标坚定)

(4)firmness of grip(握力强)

(5)firmness of resolve(决心坚定)

5. firmness的中英文对照:


英文:firmness, stability, hardness



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