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1. 表示“在…之上”、“在…之前”

- He put his hat upon the table.(他把帽子放在桌子上。)

- Upon arriving at the airport, she realized she had forgotten her passport.(到达机场后,她意识到自己忘记了。)

2. 表示“根据”

- The decision was made upon the advice of experts.(这个决定是根据专家的建议做出的。)

- The report was based upon extensive research.(这份报告是基于广泛的研究所做出的。)

3. 可以与动词结合使用,构成固定搭配,如:

- stumble upon 意为“偶然”,:I stumbled upon an old photo while cleaning my room.(我在打扫房间时偶然了一张旧照片。)

- reflect upon 意为“思考”,:He spent the whole afternoon reflecting upon his mistakes.(他花了整个下午反省自己的错误。)

4. 还可以作为副词使用,表示“立即”、“马上”,:

- She fell asleep upon hearing the news.(听到消息后,她立刻睡着了。)

- Upon finishing his work, he left the office.(完成工作后,他就离开了办公室。)


1. She stumbled upon an old diary while cleaning her room.(她在打扫房间时偶然了一本旧日记。)

2. Upon hearing the good news, they couldn't contain their excitement.(听到这个好消息后,他们激动得难以自持。)

3. The decision was based upon careful consideration of all the factors.(这个决定是基于对所有因素的仔细考虑所做出的。)

4. He reflected upon his past mistakes and promised to do better in the future.(他反省自己过去的错误,并承诺在未来做得更好。)

5. Upon arriving at the airport, they were greeted by a group of enthusiastic fans.(到达机场后,他们被一群热情的粉丝迎接。)


1. on 意为“在…上面”,也可以表示时间、状态等含义。

:The book is on the table.(书放在桌子上。)/ I'll see you on Monday.(我周一会见你。)/ He is still on vacation.(他还在度假中。)

2. over 意为“在…之上”,也可以表示方向、数量等含义。

:He hung a picture over the fireplace.(他在壁炉上方挂了一幅画。)/ The price has increased over the years.(这些年来价格已经上涨了。)

3. above 意为“在…之上”,也可以表示程度、地位等含义。

:The sun is above the horizon.(太阳在地平线上方。)/ She is above average in intelligence.(她的智商高于平均水平。)

4. a 意为“在…顶部”,更加强调位置的高处。

:The flag was flying a the building.(旗帜在建筑物顶部飘扬。)


upon是一个常用的介词,可以表示“在…之上”、“在…之前”、“根据”等含义,也可以作为副词使用,表示“立即”、“马上”。它还可以与动词结合使用,构成固定搭配,如stumble upon、reflect upon等。同时,它也有一些同义词,如on、over、above和a,在不同语境中可以互换使用,但仍需根据具体情况选择最合适的表达方式。


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